Our Parish Religious Education Program supports parents in their role as the primary educators of their children by providing a religious education experience for children attending public schools.  PREP fosters knowledge of the Gospel and the tradition of the Catholic church; a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and the values of the Gospel; an active, conscious, and genuine participation in the liturgy, and habit of personal prayer; a Gospel sense of love that accepts responsibility for self and for the Kingdom through service while developing a healthy and holy sense of hope; and a sense of loyalty and affection for the Church.

  • PREP meets on Sunday morning 9:00 AM to 10:10 AM.
  • Grades 1-8 meet at St. Anthony of Padua School.

Sacramental Preparation is done during the PREP programs offered.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is part of the program of Religious Education where they receive these sacraments in the 3rd grade year.  Students must attend 2 years of PREP in order to receive the sacraments.  First Reconciliation traditionally is celebrated in February and First Holy Communion in May.

Confirmation preparation begins in the sixth grade. Students practice Christian life by fulfilling service hour requirements over 3 years, attending mini-retreats, and additional faith formation through the PREP programs.  Confirmation is celebrated in the Fall of eighth grade as the Bishop’s schedule permits.

Contact Mrs. Karina de Jesus Severino, 610-252-7381, ext. 313

If you are currently enrolled in our PREP program, please download our Parish App for access to our 1st. – 8th. grade individual Faceboook remote learning pages & PREP notifications. You may also receive OLOM notifications if you choose to do so, in the message settings under “General”